Doing business and investing in Hong Kong
Currently, 9,000 overseas and Mainland companies have chosen Hong Kong to set up their regional headquarters, regional offices and local offices.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, a small and medium-sized entreprise or multinational company, if you are interested in setting up in Hong Kong, you are most welcomed to approach
InvestHK, a government department which offers free advice and services to support companies from the planning stage right through to the launch and expansion of their business.
InvestHK has a dedicated UK team in London ETO. The team is ready to assist UK and European companies which have plans to expand beyond their home markets and to tap into the vast and burgeoning Asian market, in particular Mainland China, which was the second largest recipient of foreign direct investment in 2019. The UK team also covers the following locations: -
- Anguilla
- Bermuda
- British Virgin Islands
- Cayman Islands
- Falkland Islands
- Gibraltar
- Montserrat
- Turks and Caicos Islands
Please contact Miss Daisy Ip, Head, Investment Promotion at-
Invest Hong Kong
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office
18 Bedford Square
London WC1B 3JA
Tel: (44) 020 7290 8207/ (44) 077 5382 3484